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why does my Spotify keep stopping? - Druckversion

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why does my Spotify keep stopping? - Webknow - 09-07-2022

Spotify is a modern application for listening to music and podcast. This application allows you to watch a video of the song also. Spotify was launched in the world on 23rd April 2006 by Daniel EK and Martin Lorentzon. After they have progressed a lot to make this application one of the most demanding applications. People start liking Spotify and so far more than 433 million monthly active users, including 188 million paying subscribers, as of June 2022.

But last few months Spotify! users facing a passing issue, Here I am letting you the best solution to your problem.

Restart the app
The easiest way to solve any problem in the machine is to restart the device or system. same we can do with Spotify. If you feel your Spotify Spotify keeps pausing then check your device may be due to an overused CPU or overloaded RAM occurring the Spotify pausing error.

Conclusion: you can Restart the app or you can close all the running applications so that your mobile can be saved from overuse of CPU or overloaded RAM.

For more info you can visit our Webknow! to get complete information about the spotify bug and error