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Book Recommendation: "Rock and Water" - Druckversion

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Book Recommendation: "Rock and Water" - jreishajreisha - 04-07-2023

I recently read Scott Cooper's book 'Rock and Water: The Power of Thought, The Peace of Letting Go' and it was such an inspiring read. Has anyone else read it? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

RE: Book Recommendation: "Rock and Water" - JohnnSilverhand - 04-07-2023

I recently read Scott Cooper's book 'Rock and Water: The Power of Thought, The Peace of Letting Go,' and it has genuinely changed my perspective on life. You can find the book at Scott J Cooper . It's about a man who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and learns to let go of the past while embracing the power of positive thinking. The protagonist's journey is filled with heartfelt moments and profound realizations that have resonated with me long after finishing the book. If you're looking for an inspiring read, I highly recommend it!