We have a Planetside 2 Outfit now
08-16-2013, 07:21 PM,
We have a Planetside 2 Outfit now
I figured more players is always a good thing, and since people play multiple games (unless theres something wrong with them), I decided to employ a system of cross-pollination, starting with Planetside 2, the huge combined arms (foot, land and air) MMOFPS sett in the future on the distant world of Auraxis.
An Outfit in Planetside, for those who don't know, is essentially a clan/guild/whatever else you wanna call it. The Outift currently goes by the name ReliquiaTR and is on the Waterson server, Terran Republic side. The idea is to get people from Planetside into our community, and some of those will become interested in Minecraft, visit our server, and our active population starts growing. Any Admin/Mod who gets into the game, (its F2P so hey why not) will automatically be promoted to the top of the board, I believe they can even co-lead the Outift, but I haven't had a chance to test that yet. Anyone else who displays skill in strategy and leading a squad (necessary things for PS2) will also get bumped up. While this is the current official Reliquia Outift in PS2 (anyone who joins even gets a [RLQA] in front of their name, because why not), I do not oppose, and even encourage, other members of the community to make Outfits within the other two factions (Space America New Conglomerate or Spandex-enthusiastic Vanu Sovereignty) or even on entirely different servers. Expanding to as wide an audience as possible means more people interested purely by the law of large numbers. If your interested in joining, which will help recruitment a lot, then let me know here and I'll work on getting you set up, whether your a long time player or just starting out, an outfit helps your enjoyment of the game greatly, and what better way than with a community you are already a part of? That's all to say for the moment, let me know if you want to join and we can set things up. |
08-16-2013, 10:52 PM,
RE: We have a Planetside 2 Outfit now
Cool. I finally have a reason to play PS: 2 now.
![]() |
08-20-2013, 03:36 PM,
RE: We have a Planetside 2 Outfit now
WEll, as I said, Planetside 2 is entirely free to play, so as long as you are on the Waterson server on the Terran Republic side, it can work. Right now there's no mail system in the game, so we'll need to figure out a time we'll both be on so I can get you in, then we can get started.
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