Learn about red and green color blindness in humans
11-08-2023, 06:02 AM,
What is color blindness?
Color blindness or color vision disorder is a manifestation of the eye's inability to distinguish the colors of surrounding objects, which can be red, blue, green or a mixture of these colors. The most common cases are red and green color blindness in humans. What is red and green color blindness in humans? In the retina of the eye there are two types of rod cells and cone cells that detect light. Cone cells help detect colors such as red, green, and blue. When these cells are absent, inactive, or detect colors differently than normal, you may be color blind test. Some possible cases are: Mild green color blindness: This is the most common condition, usually seen in 5% of men, rarely seen in women. Then you will see that green and yellow look more red, making it difficult to distinguish blue from purple. Mild red color blindness: Usually affects 1% of men. At this time, red, yellow and orange will be greener and darker than usual. At this level, the disease still does not affect daily life much. Red color blindness: Because red cone cells no longer work, resulting in red vision becoming dark gray. Besides, orange, yellow or green colors will lean more towards yellow shades. Green color blindness: Similar to the mechanism of red color blindness, when the green cone cells no longer work. Green can now turn into beige, a golden gray, while red will become golden brown. |
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