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Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
09-24-2015, 04:33 PM,
Heart  Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
Time has come ... prepare your Fingers, prepare your Computer ... prepare your Soul!

One of the most familiar and most friendly Servers is coming back ... with Love and a lot of Hearts HeartHeartHeartHeart

The Opening will be on:

26. September 2015
15:00 Uhr MEZ (CET)

Information about the Server:

- We start small - we will see where we belong Wink
- Towny is coming back
- New Reliquia Theme with new Ideas
- Ultra Special Secret Plugin which hopefully will bring fun Smile

With all our Passion and Power!
~ Team of Reliquia ~

09-24-2015, 06:36 PM,
RE: Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
[Bild: kARFd0.png]
09-24-2015, 09:57 PM,
RE: Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
Once more into the fray
Into the last good fight I'll ever know
Live and die on this day
Live and die on this day
-The Grey
09-25-2015, 01:08 AM,
RE: Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
Ok sounds cool , but wait what modpack ??
If its not vanilla what is it then??
09-25-2015, 02:25 AM,
RE: Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
And its not like 3am! Its 11pm for me! Yay!

Also, its not a modpack, just some fun plugins Xardas
Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed - Skulduggery Pleasant
09-25-2015, 03:06 AM,
RE: Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
Ok but what Is the Basic modback, or what do we need to Play ??
Just want to be prepared , so that i ( we ) can jump right in and play!!
Or have i missed something?
09-25-2015, 07:42 AM,
RE: Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
Well lets see if minecraft can pull me back into the game then! Server info will be posted when its up right?
09-25-2015, 08:58 AM,
RE: Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
sorry @ xardas, it will be vanilla because of the other good plugin. We think the other (secret) plugin will do more fun as a modpack, its for us really new.

And sure @ NovaNight, we will post when the Server is up.

I am excidet to see you all ingame again <3
Drara Heart
I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong...I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles (Audrey Hepburn)

[Bild: NPFvzgm.png]
09-26-2015, 09:24 AM,
RE: Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
When come the server IP?
09-26-2015, 09:44 AM,
RE: Reliquia Minecraft Opening 2015
at 15:00 pm

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