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A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
07-09-2020, 12:34 AM,
RE: A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
cool to see peoples names again
A wise man once said "JUST DONT DO IT"
07-09-2020, 08:20 PM,
RE: A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
Thank you Looting for setting it up. I'll check it out soon (work is keeping me busy busy busy).

Hey pokematt! So happy to see you got my message.

Lastly, anyone know how I could reach Epiclombax?
07-10-2020, 01:19 AM,
RE: A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
Corrog, epic said to message him on steam.
07-10-2020, 02:17 AM,
RE: A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
WHOA been a hot minute folks! Would be good to catch up with everyone
[Bild: ts_franky_shogun_by_zxcv11791-d5g0c7g.gif]
07-10-2020, 08:01 PM,
RE: A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
Hey Death! Nice to see you!

And Looting, I don't have anyone left on my friends list on steam. I did send him a friend request but he has yet to accept it. If you do speak to him again, could you send him the link to the video on WastedEpic please?

07-11-2020, 12:54 AM,
RE: A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
Well I'll be damned, thats a fair few names I've not heard in quite some time... Glad to see everyone is still all alive and well
07-12-2020, 02:53 PM,
RE: A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
Hey Guys!

Just read the news and cried a lot ... I miss the old times, miss you guys and the fun time we had Sad I would love to join if the date is going to be ok for my stressful life.

Drara would have loved this thread <3

Many loves, Bribona
07-12-2020, 03:47 PM,
RE: A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
Hey Bribonna! I'm so glad that you saw the video. Make sure you join the discord that Looting created.

And fyi, I would like to reply to your pm, but your pm inbox has been full for years...
07-14-2020, 02:48 PM,
RE: A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
Glad video gave new forum address, when gave nothing, me just assume forum had been deactivated
07-15-2020, 06:32 PM,
RE: A Wasted Epic and Friends reunion. Who's in?
Ok people! I feel pretty certain that the 24th is the date that the majority of us are available. I will make a video soon that I will post on youtube via the WastedEpic channel to let people know.

Also, if you aren't available on this date, you are still welcome to join our Discord:

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